Why Authors Need A Business Card – Guest Post…

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

Feature Image_My Card

If you’re a published author and don’t already have some business cards, it might be worth considering. They are one of the cheapest and easiest ways to advertise your books, and a convenient way to give anyone you meet the information they need to find them. Having a business card also makes you appear more professional.

People will often express interest in your writing, but can easily forget the details after they finish the conversation. With your business card in their hand, they are much more likely to proceed to the next step and perhaps to a sale. It also gives you an easy and convenient way to provide people with your contact details and a place to find your buyer links. Quickly handing over a card is far preferable to searching for a pen and scribbling the information on a scrap of paper.

Various online sales outlets allow you…

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